Educational Resources

5 Educational Websites for Teens

By New Reality Resources on 15 June 2021 0 Comments

Being a teenager can be exciting, at the same time challenging. The teens have to face a lot of different issues which they feel uncomfortable talking about. Here are some educational resources that will help the children to learn about these issues.


This website provides information about teenagers’ health. Here they will be able to discuss openly about drinking alcohol, smoking, obesity, eating disorders, sex, and other important topics. The discussions are friendly and not in the form of advice like the parents will do. So, this encourages the teenagers to openly discuss their feelings and worries.

Centre for Young Women’s Health

This site contains topics on young women’s health.

Here you will find articles that can guide parents as well to keep their children safe online, dealing with teen depression, sexuality, pregnancy options, and more. Discussions take place here regarding sex, drugs, and other things that the children experience.

I Wanna Know

This site is run by the non-profit public health organization, American Social Health Association. Here they talk about sex education. They emphasize avoiding it during the teenage years as there will be no risk of STIs or pregnancy.

You will find information about birth control and other topics. Parents can also get help on how to talk about sexual health and relationships with their teen children.


Recently, the occurrences of bullying and body shaming have increased. Many teenagers get depressed or start abnormally strict diets that can lead to anorexia or other life-threatening diseases related to eating disorders. This site talks about positive body image. It instills the notion that no matter what your body shape is, you must be proud of it and not ashamed.

Sex, Etc.

This site is about sex education for teenagers. During this age, teenagers get into relationships and often get pregnant. Sex education can help teenagers to practice safe sex and take care of their sexual health. Topics like abortion are also discussed here.

These sites can help the teens and the parents as well in learning about many new experiences they are having. These sites are very helpful for educating teenagers in various aspects.

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